Tips for fitness and health upkeep

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Take Flaxseed Oil tablets
  • Put Flaxseed grains in every food item
  • Eat apples, bananas and oranges
  • Take Vitamin B-12 tablets
  • Eat Quinoa instead of rice
  • Walk for 20 minutes after lunch and dinner
  • Eat 12-grain crackers (available in Trader Joe’s)
  • Use Treadmill/Elliptical for 45 minutes
  • Do the 5 lbs Weighted Hula Hoop for 75 minutes
  • Ride a bicycle for one hour
  • Eat 100% Whole Wheat bread (from Oroweat)
  • Eat Organic Baby carrots (available in Costco)
  • Eat Almonds and Walnuts
  • Eat two Kiwi fruits everyday

                Motivational tips

1. Let us say you get up everyday at 5:30 a.m. to exercise for 45 minutes. One day it's 5:30 a.m. and you are feeling too lazy to get up and not in a mood to exercise. Just say to yourself: "Since I am feeling very lazy to exercise today, I will exercise for only five minutes". Get ready, and hop on the treadmill to run for five minutes. Five minutes later you will realize that you are actually able to do the entire regular workout of 45 minutes.

2. Geoff Marsh, the former Australian opening batsman says in his book: "Let us say you get up everyday to go to the batting nets at 5:30 a.m.. One day you are unable to get up and are feeling extremely lazy. You should still get up and go to practice. THAT is mental strength".

3.  Did you say you don't have the time to do exercise ? Don't you know there are 86,400 seconds in a day ? Take 300 seconds for the preparation, and exercise for 2700 seconds. That's 3.47% of your day. Enjoy the rest of the day i.e. 96.53% of the time, not having to worry about your health and fitness.

4.   Why do you leave your office at 5:15 p.m., get stuck in the traffic, drive for 90 minutes in the virtual parking lot, and reach home at 6:45 p.m. tired, frustrated, fretting and fuming at the traffic ? Instead change into your workout clothes in the office at 5:15 p.m.. Go to the on-campus gym and exercise for 45 minutes.   Or take up membership in a fitness center close to your office.  Leave your office at 6:15 p.m.. Fly on the highway. Reach home at 7:00 p.m. feeling fit and energized. Take a shower.

5. Put a sticker on the flat surface on your Laptop: "Did you exercise today ?"

6. A week has 7 days i.e. 168 hours.  3000 seconds x 7 = 21000 seconds which is 6 hours approx.   Exercise for 6 hours and enjoy 162 hours in the week.

7.  Red lights don't stop cars.  Drivers do.  I can take you to the lake but I cannot make you drink the water.  Understand ?

1 comment:

  1. Good, Just take out Banana from the list of fruits. Banana should not be eaten everyday. very sparingly may be I will say once a week or 2. I can think of few more addition ..add leaks (kind of vegetable to veggies list. which will increase good gut flora and walnuts, almonds are good nuts ( that u have added)...Good Job!
